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Pic #4917

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:) :| :( :D >:) >:D :sneaky: :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :duh: :blush: :cry: :boohoo: :crazy: :what: :gamer: :barf:

Cancer @ Tuesday, October 23rd 2018, 11:53 PM
not sure why the bg is why it is. just is. i imagine francis and sid as young hooligans or something. I don't know. maybe they broke into someone's house or something. then got beat up. and then beat them up.
mixel @ Thursday, October 25th 2018, 6:11 AM
This is great, ahh. <3 I love this take on Francis' hair too! I love this take on everything haha.

Are you up for paid commissions by the way? Not yet (not even remotely yet lol), but Im working on some CMO stuff that one day, eventually, might see the light of day and I might be asking guest artists for pinups/guest art.