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Pic #4431

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

:) :| :( :D >:) >:D :sneaky: :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :duh: :blush: :cry: :boohoo: :crazy: :what: :gamer: :barf:

browneyedwingly @ Saturday, November 6th 2010, 11:24 AM
just a crazy doodle.
mixel @ Saturday, November 6th 2010, 6:18 PM
I like it. :D I wonder what she's thinking.

Ive never understood people's relationship with the theme. I'm one to talk as i never post pics at all on theme or not, but sometimes there seem to be periods of compliance and other times it can go for months (probably even a year, lol) without anyone posting on topic at all.

It used to frustrate me a bit. :/ Saying that, a lot of boards dont have themes so its no biggie I guess.
browneyedwingly @ Monday, November 8th 2010, 4:36 PM
Thanks :) I've been watching this weird anime called Shiki and it made me think of this. I'm not sure why, but it did lol.

I've actually never been a member of any kaki that had a theme. It was actually part of the reason I joined this board WAAAAY back when. (holy crap has it actually been 5 years?!) I think the theme is actually helpful, even if no one draws on topic. I usually start out on topic, then get sidetracked :P